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Human Resources/Personnel Board Minutes 7-27-2015
Subject:     Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday, July 27, 2015

Present:    Diane Doyle, Mark Gleckman, Steve Salvo, Rick Harris, John Wilkinson

Excused:   Evie Sutter, John Lucey

Convened: 7:03 PM at Town Hall

  • Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by John Wilkinson at 7:03 PM.

  • Minutes of Prior Meeting(s):  Motion was made to approve the minutes of the March 23, 2015 and April 27, 2015 meeting.  The motion was made by Steve Salvo and seconded by John Wilkinson.
  • Employee Issues:  None
  • Personnel Actions and Job Vacancies: Diane Doyle reported that the following personnel changes had taken place since the last meeting:
New Assistant Treasurer/Collector:  Kaitlin McCarthy, 05/22/2015
New Truck Driver/Equipment Operator:  Brian Lombara, 06/20/2015
New Assistant Town Clerk:  Wendy Kaminske, 06/07/2015
Resignation Gage Kelley, Van Driver, Council on Aging 07/01/2015
  • Special Business:  Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported on a change in the Building Inspector/Facilities Manager position.  Sam Joslin will be reducing his hours with the Town to act solely as the Building Inspector.  He will be working a 27 hour work schedule and his pay will be adjusted accordingly to reflect the reduction in his hours.  Responsibilities as the Facilities Manager will be shifted to be included with the DPW Director position.  Action Item:  The revised job descriptions will be drafted by the Town Administrator and forwarded for a review by the Classification Subcommittee.
  • Discrimination/Ethics Issues:  None  
  • Safety Issues:  None
  • Other Business:   Two of the seven member Human Resource Board had their term lapse on June 30, 2015.  The reappointments will be made for John Lucey and Mark Gleckman for a two year term to expire June 30, 2017.  At the next Human Resource Meeting the election of Chairman, Vice  Chairman and Secretary will take place for the FY 2016.  A discussion took place regarding a replacement for John Wilkinson as the seventh member.

  • Next Meeting:  The next meeting of the Human Resource Board will be held on Monday, August 24, 2015 at Town Hall.  
  • A motion was made by Diane M. Doyle and seconded by Rick Harris to adjourn at 7:47.
Adjourned:      Approximately 7:47 PM                                   
Scribe:         Diane M. Doyle